Thursday, 29 October 2009

Autumn Madness

With the weather still mild we have finally got the Sick people back to work, Vince and Della off with the dreaded flu and the new girl Melissa couldn't move her neck ( from sleeping funny, or so she says!) Heidi off for the week supposedly looking after the kids, but seen shopping in Dunelm Mill with her mum and no kids ( our eyes are everywhere)

Vince is on his 6th Sandwich of the day already, thats not counting his pasta salad and pineapple ( that's his healthy bit) He can't really use the excuse he is a growing boy anymore! lol
(Cholesterol building up nicely in between putting 7 houses on this week!)

Its Andrea's Day off today and she was hoping to see the sun but it hasn't come out to see her yet!

Melissa and Andrea were also very excited they got the Fizzy Cherry Sweets back in next door, very naughty but very nice.

Russel is still determined to leave the back door open even though the girls kill him everytime he does, he must like the attention! decorating now though never seen paint brush in his hand before!

Della's phone is finally working, and Arthur is back from his lovely 2 week holiday in the Sun! ( No SunTan)

Mike and Gary and plodding along, still have their top secret meetings ( boring really) They have finally booked the xmas party after alot of problems getting everyone to agree on a date - So many things to do so little time (at least it think thats the saying)

Well Its goodbye for now

We Will Keep Ya Updated

Monday, 12 October 2009

Sausage overload

Monday morning and Heidi's computer broken, Mike on holiday and Vince turning up in one of  his many snazy jumpers, expecting snow!!
Gary has got a bad back from his dodgy mattress and running on hard ground whilst Russell is happy to leave the back door open and earn the wrath of the girls. Vince not worried as matching wolly socks on to match his jumper!
Lunchtime brings the latest sausage episode in the office as Russell feels the 6 sausages for £1 at Rooks is a good buy for Vince the jumper. He doesn't seem quite as keen as not enough! He likes them hot like his women! Russ also brings a Rooks loyalty card application for Vincent who could earn a free saveloy or pasty every other Monday.
Donna , no I mean Della is keying lots of mortgage applications trying not to make silly errors whilst Andrea is life applications, trust forms and mortgage admin.
Vince the jumper is in and out the office like a yo-yo and is busy taking on more properties....just another Monday.

Friday, 2 October 2009


Another Friday and the weekend beckons with Mike out of his sick bed and Dr Who Pjs , he is coughing for England, spreading those little germs to all and sundry! (just what he tells everyone not to do). It appears the week for haircuts with Gary having most of his 'grey bits' sheared off earlier in the week and Queen Andrea having her hair cut by the 'council' and having a totally 'grey free zone'! She also keeps pulling out these colourful tops refusing to accept Winter is on its way, whilst Della has accepted Winter in her boots and tights already!
Vince has been out all day running around getting more houses on and has been spotted near a curry house in Minster! He has forgot to pick the money out of the cash machine at Minster garage as he was thinking Saveloy or Pasty! Thats £100 potentially up in smoke!
The girls are on the chocolate muffins and need to work those calories off later (watch out husbands, they might actually stay awake!)
Russ is in the mood for lurve and has been seen with a bottle of Blue Nun and a box of After eights! (be careful Russ I bought them once for my nan and she died at half 7)

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Sore Throat

With the weather temperatures set to fall quicker than a whores satin thong, the office has been hit by the dreaded sore throat curse! Della was first and managed to get into work, BUT is the likely suspect for passing on to Heidi who again has managed to make her desk after a miracaulous recovery in 12 hours and Mike, who has not been so lucky. He remains in his Dr Who Pj's in Dowdy Deal under the weather and duvet!
Vince seems unaffected and is onto Rooks now to order his daily intake of Saveloy's and pastries. (Cholesterol building up nicely in between putting 9 houses on this week!)
Andrea has a day off without the sore throat and Russ is sitting in the kitchen thinking about his next football trivia!

Sore throat

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Heatwave hits the office!

The office has reached 28 degrees today! We find that impressive considering the temperature outside in glasgow is 16 degrees! This is the benefit of having a huge glass window.. effectively the office is a greenhouse! But ho hum, we have plenty of fans and a water-cooling machine that will need maintenance after its excessive usage today!

Vince was served by his own personal chef today, as he recieved his mid morning snack, loving warmed by the staff next door! The pesky sandwich lady will be out of business in no time with that sort of service to compete against!

In other news, Emily was in trouble with Russel for franking a letter incorrectly. Emily should no better than to interfere with Russels 'personal possesions' (a franking machine owned collectively by TMS)

Gary enjoyed a spot of badminton, the lack of discussion about the game indiciates that he was unsuccessful and no signs of any bragging, unlike the Chelsea result on Sunday. (3-0 incase anyone missed that)

Della is excited for the release of Robbie Williams tickets tomorrow (doesnt she realise he's past it?) and Andrea, despite returning from Tenerife last week, is already booking the next vacation!

Mike seems have mistaken this tuesday afternoon for a friday afternoon and clocked off even earlier than usual!

Oh and we are still taking on and selling houses, and still delivering not just promising!

Friday, 18 September 2009

Red Head Day!!

Another long interesting week is drawing to a close and Friday has certainly seen our resident Red Head get her blood pressure raised! Whilst talking to a local solicitor ,she was doing a good impression of the Incredible Hulk bursting out of her clothes whilst getting redder (not greener!) all the time. It was unlike the normally unflappable Mrs M. to get her knickers in a twist but whatever the guy on the other end said meant she had to go to the bathroom to put them back on the right way again!!
Vince' I ate all the saveloys' Mulcare has been a busy boy racing around the island for viewings and valuations and maybe Rooks have seen a big fall in takings today. Della has spent her profits on her Post Office shares on Coldplay tickets for tonight and Russell has had his ears lowered today. It has been suggested that the council give a better haircut but he seemed his normal oblivious self when leaving just after lunch.
Roll on the weekend!!